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Cockcroft–Walton (CW) generator

The  Cockcroft–Walton (CW) generator , or  multiplier , is an  electric circuit  that generates a high  DC   voltage  from a low-voltage  AC  or pulsing DC input.  It was named after the British and Irish physicists  John Douglas Cockcroft  and  Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton , who in 1932 used this circuit design to power their  particle accelerator , performing the first artificial nuclear disintegration in history.  I n 1951 they won the  Nobel Prize in Physics  for "Transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially accelerated atomic particles".  The circuit is advanced cascaded form of circuit given by  Heinrich Greinacher , a Swiss  physicist . For this reason, this doubler cascade is sometimes also referred to as the  Greinacher multiplier .  Cockcroft–Walton circuits are still used in particle accelerators. They also are used in everyday electronic devices that requ...

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